
Spend 3 focused days of individual interaction with an experienced Select one emphasis below and begin the journey to a detailed plan with clear next steps. Coach and increase the effectiveness of your leadership immediately.

Choose Your Emphasis

Personal PlayBook – know yourself so you can lead yourself and others.

Implement a priority of personal values to drive your decision making.

Discover your natural strengths and how to use them for maximum effectiveness.

Learn how to continually refill and refuel so you are at your best to pour out into others.

Develop a set of unique questions to ask yourself in order to stay healthy.


Strategic Planning/Coaching – decide where you are going and how to best get there.

Create stories of success clarifying your desired outcomes.

Evaluate your current reality and resources.

Develop a strategic step by step plan to get from where you are to where you want to be.

Receive valuable coaching as you implement and execute your strategic plan.


Overcome an Obstacle in Your Leadership or Organization – move into your future

Identify the problems and obstacles keeping you and your organization from making progress.

Transform your obstacles into opportunities to see the possibilities.

Remove the obstacles and build momentum toward your best future.


 12+ hours over 3 days of professional one on one coaching.

Clear next steps and 3 months of implementation coaching.

Customized schedule and activities – golf, hiking, baseball, restaurants, relaxing.

3 Day Leadership Intensives

Other Services

Strategic Path Playbook

Strategic Path Playbook is a system helping your team clarify your wins, determine your current reality, and plot practical steps to reach your desired outcome. You walk away with specific actions to advance your leadership or organization. We are also Paterson StratOp certified.

Coach Training

Through our training system of asking the right questions in the right order, we equip new and seasoned coaches to increased effectiveness in drawing the best out of others. We differentiate coaching and consulting. Consultants provide the right answers while coaches ask the right questions.

Leadership Development

Each person and team is uniquely different from any other. We come alongside and help you or your team identify natural strengths, abilities, rhythms, and personality to increase your leadership and your team’s effectiveness. Strong leaders lead strong teams to greater growth.

“Leaders become great not because of their power but, because of their ability to empower others.”

- John Maxwell

Book a Discovery Call

Invest in your journey. Click below to book a discovery call.